Hast thou not considered that glorifies God whatever is in the heavens and the earth and the birds, ones standing in ranks? Each knew its formal prayer and its glorification. And God is Knowing of what they accomplish.Quran 24:41 by Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
Regarding the flight of birds the Qur’an says: “Do they not look at the birds, held poised In the midst of (the air and) the sky? Nothing holds them up but (the power of) Allah. Verily in this are signs for those who believe.” [Al-Qur’an 16:79]
A similar message is repeated in the Qur’an in the verse: “Do they not observe The birds above them, Spreading their wings And folding them in? None can uphold them Except (Allah) Most Gracious: Truly it is He That watches over all things.” [Al-Qur’an 67:19]
The Arabic word amsaka literally means, ‘to put one’s hand on, seize, hold, hold someone back,’ which expresses the idea that Allah holds the bird up in His power. These verses stress the extremely close dependence of the birds’ behaviour on Divine order. Modern scientific data has shown the degree of perfection attained by certain species of birds with regard to the programming of their movements. It is only the existence of a migratory programme in the genetic code of the birds that can explain the long and complicated journey that very young birds, without any prior experience and without any guide, are able to accomplish. They are also able to return to the departure point on a definite date.
Prof. Hamburger in his book ‘Power and Fragility’ gives the example of ‘mutton-bird’ that lives in the Pacific with its journey of over 15,000 miles in the shape of figure ‘8’. It makes this journey over a period of 6 months and comes back to its departure point with a maximum delay of one week. The highly complicated instructions for such a journey have to be contained in the birds’ nervous cells. They are definitely programmed. Should we not reflect on the identity of this ‘Programmer’?
(From "The Quran and Modern Science, Compatible or Incompatible?” by Dr Zakir Naik ” published by Darussalam Publishers & Distributors)
The body mechanisms of birds have a completely different structure from land dwelling animals.The wings can only function of when it's fully developed.How this organ came into being is one of the mysteries of nature that has still to be accounted for.The existence of wings isn't the only prerequisite for a land creature to become a bird.The land dwelling animals totally lack a number of mechanisms that are used by birds in flying.For example, the bones of birds are considerably lighter than those of land dwelling animals.Their lungs are of different structure and function as well as well as are their skeletal and muscular structures.Their circulatory systems are much more specialised than those of land animals.
Birds display properties distinct from reptiles in having a skeletal structure composed of hollow, extremely lightweight bones, and an unique respiratory system and in being warm-blooded creatures.Another structure unique to birds is the feather.Feathers are the most important of the interesting aesthetical aspects of birds.The phrase”light as a feather” depicts the perfection in the intricate structure of a feather, constructed from a protein substance called keratin.Scientist Alan Feduccia says feathers” have an almost magical structural complexity” which” allows a mechanical aerodynamic refinement never achieved by other means”.
There's a shaft that runs up the center of the feather.Hundreds of small barbs grow on either side of this shaft.Barbs of varying softness and size give the bird it's aerodynamic nature.Furthermore , each barb has thousands of even smaller strands attached to them called barbules, which can't be observed with the naked eye.These barbules are locked together with hooklike hamuli.The barbules hold on to one another like a zip with the help of these hooklets.These barbules interlock so tightly that even smoke blown at the feather can not penetrate through it.If the hooklets come apart for any reason, the bird can easily restore the feathers to their original form by either shaking itself or by straightening its feathers out with its beak.Birds use an oil gland located at the base of their tails for the maintenance of their feathers.They clean and polish their feathers by means of this oil, which also provides water proofing when they are swimming,diving or walking and flying in rain.In addition, in cold weather the feathers prevent the body temperature of birds from falling.The feathers are pressed closer to the body in hot weather in order to keep it cool.
The full feathered tail functions to steer and brake.Wing feathers have a distinct structure that enables the surface area to expand during beating in order to increase forces of up-lift.When the wing is flapped downward, the feathers come close together, preventing the through passage of air.Worn or damaged large feathers are renewed immediately.
Birds are designed specifically for flying.The body has been created with air-sacs and hollow bones in order to reduce body mass and overall weight.The fluid nature of their wastes ensures that excess water in the body is disposed of.Feathers are extremely light structures in comparison to their volume.
The strength of a bird's skeleton is more than adequate even though the bones are hollow.Better organized than land animals, the shoulder,hip and chest bones of birds are fused together.This design improves the strength of the bird's structure.
The respiratory system of land animals and birds operate on completely different principles, primarily because birds need oxygen in much greater quantities than do land animals.For example,a certain bird could require up to twenty times the amount of oxygen necessary for humans.Therefore, the lungs of land animals cannot provide oxygen in the quantities required by birds.This is why the lungs of birds are created upon a much different design.
God has created birds without flaw just as He has the rest of the creation.This fact is manifest in every detail.The bodies of birds have been created to a special design that removes any possible imbalance in flight.The bird's head has been deliberately created light in weight so that the animal doesn't lean forward during flight: on average,a bird's head weight is about 1% of its body weight.The aerodynamic structure of the feathers is another property of the system of balance in birds
God inspires the birds with a method to make their flight easy and efficient.The birds do not fly haphazardly but in flock.They follow a certain order and form a”V” shape in the air.This V formation reduces the air resistance that they encounter.This flight formation is so efficient that they save about 23% of their energy.
Flight requires a great deal of power.For this reason birds have the largest muscle tissue/ body-mass ratio of all creatures.Their metabolism is also in tune with high levels of muscle power.On average,a creature’s metabolism doubles as the body temperature increases by 500F.(Harun Yahya -shortened)
The Origin of Birds and Flight
***How Do Birds Find Their Flight Routes?
The roads used by birds during annual migrations are called flight routes. Scientists haven't figured out exactly how birds know their flight routes. However, they think that there is an internal global positioning (GPS) system that our Lord gave to the birds. For this reason, it is estimated that they take advantage of the position of the sun during their daytime flights and of stars such as the pole star or the north star at night. They think that there may be a system between the eyes and brain of birds that determines which direction is north, almost like a compass. On the other hand, it is assumed that the trace amounts of iron found in the neurons in the bird's inner ear are also used in navigation. Another surprising fact is that the bird's beak is also used in finding direction and determining the bird's exact location. The connection between the bird's beak and the brain is provided by the trigeminal nerve. Scientists have determined that this nerve was given by our Lord the task of detecting the magnetic field that surrounds our world. Because the magnetic field is very strong at the poles, this force weakens towards the equatorby ali alaş
The Miracle of Migration in Animals by Harun Yahya.pdf
**They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings, which flap at high frequencies audible to other birds and humans. They hover at rapid wing-flapping rates, which vary from around 12 beats per second in the largest species to 80 per second in small hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds have the highest mass-specific metabolic rate of any homeothermic animal.[5][6] To conserve energy when food is scarce and at night when not foraging, they can enter torpor, a state similar to hibernation, and slow their metabolic rate to 1/15 of its normal rate.[6][7
Some Fascinating Facts About Birds By zia mahmood minhas
-The biggest bird on earth is ostrich .It cannot fly but runs at a tremendous speed up to 43 miles per hour. It weighs on an average 220-350 pounds and attains the height up to 9 feet.
-With weight of about 2.5 grams and wing span of about 5 centimeters, bee humming bird is
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the smallest bird. Humming birds flap their wings very rapidly i.e. over 50 times per second. The wing movement is so fast that it appears as a blur to eyes. Its eggs are smaller than coffee beans. They are the only bird species that can hover, fly up and down and backwards.
-Wandering albatross is the largest flying bird and has body length of 4.5 feet. It has a wing span of up to 12 feet and weighs 30-35 lbs. It is a sea bird and can stay in the air for many hours without flapping the wings. It can travel 10,000 kilometers in a single journey and circumvent the globe in 46 days. It spends most of its life in air and lands for food and reproduction only. It can sleep while flying.
-Peregrine falcon is the fastest flier. While attacking the prey it dives at the speed of 322 kilometers/hour.
-The trumper swan perhaps has the greatest weight among the flying birds. It weighs 37 pounds.
-Whistling swan (Cygnus columbianus ) is the most feathered bird. It has up to 25,000 feathers
-The secretary bird mostly feeds on snakes. It tackles its prey in an interesting way. It attacks the snake with its claws and keeps the snake at a safe distance with its feathers. Both these organs have no or a few blood vessels hence there is no harm if the snake bites the legs or feathers. While biting the snake empties its venom sac. Thus it becomes harmless victim of the bird and gets devoured.
-Helmeted horn bill is a strange looking bird found in forests of Borneo. It has wing span of about six feet. Its call resembles a human laughing manically. The bird is hunted for its huge red beak sold as ivory. Excessive hunting has resulted in almost extinction.
-The hoatzin bird’s main diet is vegetation and it has digestive system like ruminants. They spend lot of time lying and digesting food like cows. Its body smells like cow dung.
-The flamingos can bend their legs both ways.
-Almost all birds sleep on one leg. This does not upset their balance since the body weight is concentrated in one leg which enables them to maintain this delicate balance.
-Red billed queleas is the most numerous species. Its population is estimated to be at one billion It forms enormous flocks and one such flock had more than 80 million birds.
-Pigeon has its eyes mounted laterally on the head. They can view 340 degrees, except in the back of head. The Victoria crown pigeon (Goura victoria) is the largest pigeon species and is roughly of chicken size.
The homing or carrier Pigeons are acknowledged for their prowess of flying long distances and returning to their base. When confused regarding the direction, it soars and corrects the direction. This capacity was used in older times to send messages from far off places, battlefronts and spying.
-A falcon can see a 10 centimeter object from a distance of 1.5 kilometers. It can see sharp images even when diving at 100 km per hour speed. The vision of hawk is four times better than humans.
Flight of Birds
Flight is the primary mean of locomotion of birds. Flight is, in itself a miracle of Allah. Birds while flying overcome the force of gravity which pulls everything in the air towards earth. Allah has referred to the phenomenon of flight of birds in the Soorahs An-Nahl and al-Mulk.
أَلَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَى الطَّيْرِ مُسَخَّرَاتٍ فِي جَوِّ السَّمَاءِ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا اللَّـهُ ۗإِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ﴿٧٩﴾
Have they not observed the birds made subservient in the sphere of sky, who only Allah can control? In this are signs for a people of faith.
(Soorah an-Nahl 16:79)
أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَى الطَّيْرِ فَوْقَهُمْ صَافَّاتٍ وَيَقْبِضْنَ ۚ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا الرَّحْمَـٰن ۚ إِنَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ بَصِير١٩ٌ
Have they not observed the birds above them, with wings out-stretched or elapsed? None can restrain them but All-Merciful. He sees full well all that exists.
(Soorah Al-Mulk 67:19)
Birds while flying have full control on the movements, maneuvering and the process is performed swiftly with quite ease.
Birds have been provided with special features by Allah which facilitates the complex phenomenon of flight. These include the followings:
-The skeleton of birds consists of light weight bones. They have large air filled cavities which are connected with the respiratory system. The spine of birds is flexible and the ribs are flattened. The sternum is keeled for the attachment of flight muscles. The forelimbs are modified into wings.
-There are special muscles, the pectoralis and the supracordeus for flight operation
-Birds have one of the most complex respiratory system of all animal groups. Seventy five percent (75%) of the fresh air bypasses the lungs and flows directly into a posterior air sac which extends from the lungs. It connects with the air spaces in the bones. The rest twenty five percent (25%) of the air goes to the lungs and is consumed in respiratory process. When the bird exhales the stored air from the posterior air sac is simultaneously forced into the lungs. The lungs thus receive constant supply of fresh air during inhalation and exhalation, which facilitates the flight process.
-The feathers or plumage facilitate flight. They also provide insulation that helps body temperature regulation. Feathers are critical for survival of the birds and they carry on the maintenance and manicuring on regular basis.
-The tops of bird wings are curved and the bottoms are flat. This shape produces lower pressure on the top as compared to the bottom. The difference in the air pressure produces lift force that enables the bird to rise in the air by beating its wings.
Flight is a process which is inculcated in birds’ instinct by Allah. They don’t learn it through hit and trial method. The chicks just launch their body into air and start flying with ease without hitting the ground. They are not aware that their flight is subject to many forces i.e.
1. Gravity
2. Propulsion
3. Drag
4. Drift
In order to flight to be meaningful, these forces have to be balanced.
The air moving rapidly by around the bird’s wings produces the lift force. The bird bends its wings in order to obtain greater lift force. The air flowing over the wings is thus accelerated. If it inclines its wings upwards at a steep angle, air cannot easily flow, the upper parts of the wings and the bird loses speed and stalls. Through Allah’s inspiration, the birds make use of the principles of aerodynamics as they fly.
Migration of Birds
Migration of birds is a phenomenon where birds undertake an annual journey. The mysterious disappearance of birds from the breeding grounds was noted by earlier scientists but the phenomenon was attributed to hibernation in winter. Now studies have established that a large number of bird species migrate in winter to milder climatic zones thousands of miles away. They fly over land, sea, desert and mountains without losing way or vigor. Not all birds migrate but more than 5000 species are reported to have adopted migration as means of survival. From generations they gather in flocks, take same routes for round trip and return almost to their original habitat.
Why do birds migrate?
- Competition for food and nesting sites in the breeding areas force the bird to migrate to greener pastures.
- High concentration of population in breeding ground attracts predators and diseases.
- Birds avoid harsh winter weather or high summer temperatures by migration to temperate climates.
This is for survival of species as inculcated by Allah in the birds.
Adaptations for migration
- Storage of energy through accumulation of fat.
- Molting before migration to have new strong feathers.
- Flying in flocks to reduce energy used in flying and reduce risk of predation.
Migratory routes:
Migrating bird may follow the same route for return journey or they may use another loop for the same. Change of route is made for possibly the following reasons:
1. To avoid harsh climatic conditions on ground.
2. Changing conditions of food and water availability.
3. To avail favorable winds which make the journey less exhaustive.
They however return to same place or very close to it. While flying they choose the shortest route on land. If they have to cross sea, they prefer to follow route with minimum distance over water bodies. Rufus humming bird passes winter in southern Mexico. It uses pacific coast for northbound spring journey. In fall it takes inland route to returns south.
Wonders of Migration
- Shear waters are seabirds with 6 genera and 37 species. Every year millions of sooty shear waters (Puffinus griseus) migrate from the breeding grounds of New Zealand and Chile to northern hemisphere and back. In this round trans-equatorial trip they fly 65000 kilometers covering 500-900 kilometers per day. It is the longest animal migration, completed in six months. This trip across Pacific Ocean is in a giant figure of eight (8).
The meat of shear waters (also called mutton bird locally) is sold in retail stores throughout New Zealand. They are pulled out of burrows for meat and slaughtered. This phenomenon known as mutton birding is leading to decline of population.
- One manx shear water is estimated to have flown 8 millions km during its over 50 years life span.
- The arctic terns hold the long distance migration record. They move from its Arctic breeding grounds to Antarctic non- breeding areas. One arctic tern tagged as chick flew from British east coast and reached Australia in 3 months covering 22,000 kilometers over sea.
- Bar tailed goodwit is on record to make the longest nonstop flight of 11500 kilometers from Alaska to New Zealand without food or water
- Northern wheat eater (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a small migratory insectivorous bird. It makes one of the longest journeys for a small bird from Africa to Northern Hemisphere.
- Amur falcon (family falconidae) is a bird of prey. It migrates from East Asia to Africa.
- Geese show a fantastic teamwork, planning and sacrifice during long journey for migration. While flying geese form a special V shaped formation, lead bird flying ahead of the flock. Each bird flaps its wings and creates uplift for the birds that follow. By this technique the whole flock increases their flying range by 70%.When a goose falls out of formation, it quickly moves back into formation to avail the advantage of quicker flight using less energy.
The lead bird which has to endure the drag and resistance of flying alone gets tired. It reverts back into the formation to regain strength by getting advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. The geese flying in formation, honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.
When a member gets sick, wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help it and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then, they launch out with another formation or catch up with the flock.
Mystery of Migration, the Qur’an’s Version
Bird migration is a mysterious phenomenon and scientists have not been able to understand it fully though elaborate research projects have been undertaken such as:
- How birds travel long distances over land, mountains deserts, plains and seas without losing way and returns to original abodes?
- Timing is also puzzling. At almost at same time birds start grouping for migration as if there is some clock fitted in their body.
- How they are able to bear extreme stressful conditions over long span of time and distance?
Various explanations have been put forward i.e.
- Navigation and finding way is in their genetic code and instinct.
- They find the way because they can detect magnetic fields.
- They use sun compass.
- They use olfactory cues(sense of smell)
- Their ability to recognize habitats from mental maps.
- They recognize geographical signs on ground.
None of these explanations hold goods since:
-What is the source of the genetic code and presumed mental maps?
-Birds have no system of educating their young ones since they abandon them for independent life at an early age.
-They have rudimentary brain which cannot go for research of shortest ways, read sun compass. Moreover many species fly at night or in cloudy and foggy weather when there is no sunlight.
-Birds are known to have poor sense of smell, hence the utilization of olfactory cues may be ruled out.
-Birds were subjected to disorientation experiments to check their behavior afterwards. They were displaced from their normal starting points. Some were caged while young and then released. Transmitters were attached to their bodies to confuse them and magnetic rings were attached to their bodies to vary the magnetic field. In all cases the birds followed the same route to reach their winter quarters previously unknown to them.
In the absence any tangible explanation we have only rational option to accept that this is divine guidance from Allah which enables birds to accomplish the amazing act of migration with unbelievable perfection.
AVES -THE BIRDS - Quran Reveals
***Bar-tailed godwits’ migration route
This map shows the migration route taken to and from New Zealand by eastern bar-tailed godwits. They leave from Alaska in the northern autumn, and until recently it was assumed they followed a coastal route southwards that would allow them to feed and rest along the way. But there is now conclusive evidence that most take the direct route south across the central Pacific to New Zealand. Unlike seabirds, they cannot rest on water or feed at sea, so this 11,000-kilometre journey is the longest non-stop flight undertaken by any bird. The return flight to Alaska includes a stopover in the Yellow Sea so they arrive in good condition to breed in May.by te ara
''This long-distance migration of birds is a marvel, even with the mounting scientific knowledge we have to explain it. Hunger, instinct, and the drive to reproduce trigger migrating birds to move with the seasons, but don't explain why some travel so far—Arctic Terns can travel as far as 11,000 each way!''
- A Warm-Blooded Heart
- A Balancing Act
- Efficient Respiratory System
- Streamlined Shape For Reduced Drag
- Weight Reduction with Strength and Flexible Rudder
- A Good Skeletal Architecture
- And More To Come …
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Rabia Munir
As you read this article, reflect on how Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) has created the birds and how their aerodynamic is a miracle of Allah (سبحانه و تعالى).
أَلَمْ يَرَوْاْ إِلَى الطَّيْرِ مُسَخَّرَاتٍ فِي جَوِّ السَّمَاء مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلاَّ اللّهُ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ – 16:79
“Do they not see the birds suspended in mid-air up in the sky? Nothing holds them there except Allah. There are certainly signs in that for people who believe.”
[Al-Qur’an: Surat An-Nahl (The Bee) – 16:79]
Due to the force of gravity, all bodies in air will eventually fall to earth, either quickly or slowly. Everything, living or otherwise, is subject to gravity. But as a miracle of Allah (سبحانه و تعالى), birds are able to resist this force and fly upward and downward in the air. They manoeuvre themselves in the air, and sometimes even fold their wings and glide through the sky without even the flapping of their wings!
All details in birds, from their feathers to their lungs, from the arrangement of their feathers to the shape of their wings, are equipped with a special feature and order intended to enable them to fly. A chick totally unaware of the act of flight and the laws of aerodynamics is born with the ability to fly. The chick launches itself downwards and begins to fly, just as if it knew its body was created for flight. This is not just information that is taught subsequently or what a bird learns by trial and error. The way a bird knows it has the body structure needed to fly, finds the courage to launch itself into the air and then flies without hitting the ground, all happens through Allah (سبحانه و تعالى)’s inspiration.
The Arabic word يُمْسِكُهُنَّ “yumsikuhunna” translated as “holds” in verse 79 of Surat An-Nahl means “not letting them go, taking them, catching them, or holding them.” The word is the present tense of the verse “amsaka,” meaning “to catch with the hand, hold and pull back.” With this word, our Almighty Lord reveals that He holds the bird in the air and that it flies by His command. Bird flight is still the subject of wide-ranging research by scientists. Having observed the perfection in bird flight, scientists use the avian body and avian flight as direct models in producing such vehicle as air-planes and jets.
Verse 79 of Surat An-Nahl may in one way be indicating the way that birds comply with the aerodynamic laws created by Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) as they fly. (Allah knows the truth.) The science of aerodynamics studies the behaviour of solid bodies in a fluid environment such as air. For example, as a plane moves through the air, various forces emerge that affect that movement. In order for the plane to move as planned and not to run into any unexpected forces or resistance, the plane is tested beforehand against the resistance exhibited by the air. Its movement is planned as a result of lengthy calculations, measurements and experiments.
The way that birds comply with the principles of aerodynamics continues to astonish scientists. Using no form of trial and error, they cope with the laws of aerodynamics in the most perfect manner. The use of the word مُسَخَّرَاتٍ ” musakhkharatin” (suspended) in the verse to describe bird flight is exceedingly wise. Because it suggests that they have been “encouraged to a specific end, have had to do something, have submitted or bowed their heads, have bound themselves to Allah or have submitted to His laws”. In that way, the verse may be indicating the way that aerodynamic laws have a determining influence on bird flight. (Allah سبحانه و تعالى knows the truth.)
At first sight there would appear to be nothing to make it difficult for birds to fly. But according to aerodynamics, any object flying in the air is subject to various different forces. The best-known of these are gravity, propulsion, drag and lift. In order for meaningful flight to take place, these forces have to be balanced. For example, if gravity is stronger than the other forces, the bird will fall to earth. That is why the word in the verse is the best possible expression of birds’ condition as they are subjected to these forces. The presence in the Qur’an of expressions containing such information at a time when no science of aerodynamics or mechanics existed, once again reveals that the Qur’an is a divine text.
The illustration shows the main forces acting on a bird during flight.
The tops of birds’ wings are curved, the bottoms flat. This shape produces lower pressure on the top compared to the bottom. This difference in air pressure produces a lift force that enables the bird to rise in the air by beating its wings upward. (right)
(1) The air moving rapidly around the bird’s wings produces the lift force. (2) The bird bends its wings in order to obtain greater lift force. The air flowing over the wings is thus accelerated. (3) If it inclines its wings upward at a very steep angle, air cannot easily flow to the upper parts of the wings and the bird loses speed and stalls. Through Allah (سبحانه و تعالى)’s inspiration, birds make use of the principles of aerodynamics as they fly.
Birds gliding and the control through the feathers of its wings, is mentioned in the following verse:
Do they not see the birds above them, spreading out their wings and folding them in [Yaqbedn]? None upholds them except the Most Gracious (Allâh). Verily, He is the All-Seer of everything. (67:19)
Knowing that birds never collect its wings together while flying, otherwise it will fall, it beats up and down, but the collection and folding in is meant for its feathers onlyy.by Abdallah Muslim
16|79|أَلَمْ يَرَوْا۟ إِلَى ٱلطَّيْرِ مُسَخَّرَٰتٍ فِى جَوِّ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَا يُمْسِكُهُنَّ إِلَّا ٱللَّهُ إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَءَايَٰتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يُؤْمِنُونَ
E lem yerev ilet tayri musahharatin fi cevvis semai, ma yumsikuhunne illallah, inne fi zalike le ayatin li kavmin yu'minun.
The root of the word cevvi ((جَوِّ) means (جوو) a low or depressed part of the ground, the inside of something. Hans Wehr 4th ed., page 171 (of 1303) and Lane's Lexicon, page 481 (of 3039)
(ٱلسَّمَآءِ) The word s-semai means sky (sky). Almighty Allah can define some things above us as heaven (atmosphere, solar system and universe). Verses 8:11 and 15:22 can be given as examples of verses in which the word sky is defined as the Earth's atmosphere.
This downward collapse occurs due to gravity. The Earth's gravity also affects the atmosphere and pulls it downwards. The atmospheric layer at the bottom is therefore suitable for us to live in terms of density and pressure. Birds' wings are only effective in a dense layer of air. Since the atmospheric density above the trophosphere is very low, wings cannot create sufficient lift and birds cannot fly even if they can survive at these levels.
There is an indication in the verse that what enables birds to stay in the air is related to the atmosphere collapsing downwards. This is an indication that density is important for the buoyancy of air. Since the air density is low in the higher layers of the atmosphere, the buoyant force is very low. When you go into space, wings will be of no use since there is no air anyway. All these signs are an indication, a verse for believers.
By using the word cevvi, Almighty Allah (جَوِّ) informs us that birds fly in a special part of the earth's atmosphere. This part is the inner part of the atmosphere that has collapsed downwards and is denser in terms of air than the upper layers.
How could the prophet Muhammad, who lived 1400 years ago, know this detail?
At that time, the layers and altitudes of the atmosphere were unknown. It is impossible to know that wings will be useless because the air density is very low at very high altitudes in the atmosphere, that living things will not survive because the oxygen level is so low, and that birds can only fly in low-slung areas of the atmosphere. Almighty Allah has revealed His miracle in one word.
تَعَالَى: {مُسَخَّرات فِي} جَوِّ السَّماءِ} .
قالَ قَتادَةُ فِي كَبِدِ السَّماءِ، ويقالُ كُبَيْد السَّماءِ.
God Almighty: {subjects in} the atmosphere of the heavens}.
Qatada said, “In the middle of the sky,” and it is also said, “The bottom of the sky.” via taj al arus
See! They( firmament and earth ) are suspended and stand like a bird who is suspended in the air with nothing on which it rests except the remzā.Jacob of Sarugh, Homily on the Chariot that Ezekiel saw, Homilies 4:551, translated by Julien DecharneuxThe feature of such verses is that they increase the faith of believers and increase the denial of unbelievers. As emphasized in Quran 5:48, Allah may have left room for denial with such similarities because He did not want to make people a single community. One thing is clear: musakharatin in make subservient, press into service, harness, bring under domination or control, subjugate, meanings control It contains extraordinary meanings unique to the Quran, such as and programming. It shows the divine source of the Quran, and to emphasize that it is not a repetition or copy, the part that is hidden and can be denied is jaww, its current meanings are in air.skyatmosphere meanings jaww other meanings wide valleyopen pasture-ground, interior of a house, hall , the inside or interior, inner/inward/secret/private.The fact that birds can fly in the troposphere layer, which is hidden in the meaning of jawwi lsamaiAttributing magical meanings to evolution cannot disregard/ignore the extraordinary design in birds, a sign of a great artist.siganture : m.t.günay...Is bird flight a miracle?