Ants are social insects that have several ways of communicating with each other. With thousands or even millions of ants living in a single colony, it is important that these insects can quickly communicate essential information such as where the next meal is located or if there is an intruder coming inside the nest. Unlike humans, ants do not have the ability to speak so they must communicate in other ways. So, how do ants communicate?
Five Ways Ants Communicate:
Scent (Pheromones)
The most important way that ants communicate with other colony members is through unique chemicals called pheromones. Using their antenna to “smell” the pheromones, ants can communicate everything from colony activity to where food is located.
In addition to helping them “smell”, ants also use their antenna to touch each other as a way to communicate. Some ants also use their front legs (called forelegs) along with their antenna when contacting each other.
Motion & Body Language
Ants also combine pheromones and touch with unique body language, such as raising their abdomen in the air, to communicate. Similar examples of human body language signals include giving someone a thumbs up or nodding your head.
Some species of ants make noises to communicate with each other. Depending on the species, the sounds can mean a variety of things like calling for help or to attract a potential mate.
Trophallaxis, or sharing food mouth-to-mouth, is a common way for social insects like bees, termites, and ants to communicate. For ants, trophallaxis can be a way for colony members to share food, spread important information and help them separate nest mates from outsiders.
For more interesting information about ants, check out our Ant Critter Guide! You may also like to know how much an ant can life (it's like if a person could life a car ) via
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How Do Ants Communicate With Each Other?
If you want to survive as an ant, you'd better get ready to make some noise. A new study shows that even ant pupae—a stage between larvae and adult—can communicate via sound, and that this communication can be crucial to their survival.
"What's very cool about this paper is that researchers have shown for the first time that pupae do, in fact, make some sort of a sound," says Phil DeVries, an entomologist at the University of New Orleans in Louisiana who was not involved in the study. "This was a very clever piece of natural history and science."
Scientists have known for decades that ants use a variety of small chemicals known as pheromones to communicate. Perhaps the most classic example is the trail of pheromones the insects place as they walk. Those behind them follow this trail, leading to long lines of ants marching one by one. However, the insects also use pheromones to identify which nest an ant is from and its social status in that nest. Because this chemical communication is so prevalent and complex, researchers long believed that this was the primary way ants shared information.
However, several years ago, researchers began to notice that adults in some ant genuses, such as Myrmica, which contains more than 200 diverse species found across Europe and Asia, made noise. These types of ants have a specialized spike along their abdomen that they stroke with one of their hind legs, similar to dragging the teeth of a comb along the edge of a table. Preliminary studies seemed to indicate that this noise served primarily as an emergency beacon, allowing the ants to shout for help when being threatened by a predator.
Larvae and young pupae have soft outer skeletons, which means their specialized spikes haven't yet formed and they can't make noise. However, as the pupae mature, their covering hardens into a tough exoskeleton like that found in adult ants. These older pupae do have fully functional spikes but were generally thought to be silent.
Using an extra-sensitive microphone that would pick up on the faint acoustic signals, the researchers measured the sounds produced by 10 differentM. scabrinodis larvae, six immature pupae, and six mature pupae. Whereas the larvae and immature pupae were completely silent, the mature pupae produced brief pulses of sound (see audio files), the team reports online today in Current Biology.
Further analysis of this noise showed that it was a simplified version of the more complex adult sound. It was as if the mature pupae were saying, "Help!" while the adults were saying "Hey, I'm over here! Please come help! It's your friend!"
To test the function of these noises in the mature pupae, the researchers first played back the sounds made by either the mature pupae or adult M. scabrinodis. Adult worker ants responded the same way to both recordings, such as walking over to the speaker, rubbing their antennae against it, and guarding it. They didn't show these responses when Schönrogge and colleagues played white noise. These behaviors, which represent a worker ant's attempts to protect its nestmates, indicate that acoustic communication served to bring assistance in both mature pupae and adult ants.
To see how the ants used this acoustic communication, the team removed the abdominal spike from some of the mature pupae in a nest. The researchers then disturbed the nest, spilling out larvae, pupae, and adult workers into an experimental arena. Normally, the adult ants rescue their nestmates in a specific order: mature pupae, immature pupae, and, finally, the larvae. In the experiments by Schönrogge and colleagues, the adult workers indeed rescued the unmuted mature pupae first. However, the adult ants completely ignored the muted ants. It was as if the mute mature pupae simply didn't exist.
"The sounds they make rescue them by signaling their social status," Schönrogge says. "There is complex information in these signals," that combine with chemical signals to provide an array of information about the individual. Researchers have yet to decode everything the ants are communicating by sound and how the ants interpret these signals. Acoustic communication may be especially important in mature pupae because they don't yet produce the full array of adult pheromones, but they also don't smell and behave like larvae, either.
DeVries cautions that the discovery doesn't mean that chemical communication in ants is less important. "Ants live in these enormously sophisticated societies," he says. "Acoustic signaling adds another gorgeous piece to what we know about how insect societies communicate." by BYCARRIE ARNOLD
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Shhh, the Ants Are Talking
- miracles / Myths and Legendary Tales?
Solomon and the ‘talking’ ants
According to the Quran, Prophet Solomon (pbuh) was able to listen to ants communicating with one another:
Some people bring up these verses to try and show the Quran is in error because ants don’t verbally communicate with one another.
Is there any error in these verses? Not unless you want to try and find an error, it is a fact that ants do in fact communicate with one another, which you can read about on the following links:
Now obviously ants don’t communicate as we humans do, so how do we reconcile the Quranic verses with the way ants actually communicate? Well it’s very simple, when the Quran talks about Solomon being able to understand the ants, it obviously means he was able to understand their form of communication, it doesn’t mean that because he understood the ants communication that they were communicating as humans do, this is a deduction made by the person who wants to try and prove an error in the Quran.
Ants communicate, and Solomon was able to understand this communication between the ants, and this is exactly why he was smiling and thanking God afterwards, because he had been granted such a favor from God in being able to recognize the communication of the ants.
Interestingly enough according to the Quran the ants began communicating with each other as Solomon and his troops were entering their area, and it is a scientific fact that there are a group of ants responsible for patrolling the nest, with their job essentially being to protect the nest and check out for any danger, and so their job is to also communicate should there be any threat:
Now onto another point which is the use of language, and here is an example of that with the Quran saying the ants talked or the ants said, the Quran is simply describing it in a way that we as humans would understand, and to also make it sound nicer. For example if the Quran gave the exact details of how ants actually communicate, with their touching and smelling, it loses it’s literary appeal and style.
Interestingly enough in one of the sources we mentioned, the scientists that talk about how ants communicate, mention how ants ‘talk’ with one another, but we all understand that the ants aren’t actually ‘talking’ to each other as we understand, the author is just utilizing the language and word here in a way we understand and comprehend. The very same with the Quran, it is describing the communication of the ants in a way we understand and comprehend without having to get into all the technical details.
What is interesting is that often times it is Christian apologists who bring up these verses to try and disprove the Quran, and for them there is another very simple response without having to mention all of the above we have written. It’s simple, perhaps God decided to allow the ants to actually communicate and talk with each other as we humans do, and did this just for Solomon. Christian apologists do believe in the supernatural and miraculous after all don’t they? So what would be the problem with God doing this for Solomon? He could have easily done that for Solomon, making the ants communicate in a verbal way using speech as humans do, and this would be done as a major blessing and favor to Solomon, and a sign for others for God’s power and what he can do if he so pleases.
In conclusion, the Quran is not in error when it mentions how ants communicated with one another warning each other of Solomon’s troops, it is a scientific fact that ants do indeed ‘talk’ with another through their own modes of communication, and it is a further scientific fact that there are a group of ants that are in charge of patrolling the nests and communicating with other ants lest the nest is in danger or impending danger. All in all these verses are a great proof of how the Quran is in line with science, because 1400 years ago it was telling the people that ants do indeed communicate with another, and thanks to in-depth scientific studies on the issue this has been shown to be correct.
Solomon and the 'talking' ants
- Here the usage of the word ‘said’ in the Quran should not be translated in the literal sense. The usage the Arabic word 'said' does not necessarily imply verbal communication or communication through spoken words. On the contrary, in Arabic language may sometimes be used for communication of ideas, feelings and thoughts, through any mode of communication.
It may further be noted that the Qur'an has not used any such words like 'listen', 'hear' or 'overhear' for Solomon's comprehension and understanding of what the ant 'said'. The Qur'an, on the contrary, has only implied that Solomon understood and comprehended what the ant 'said'.
The Qur'an does not 'say' that ants communicate through speech, on the contrary, it only 'says' that whatever the mode of communication in ants, Solomon comprehended and understood their communication, as a part of the special favors that he was granted by the Almighty via assufah
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Why does the Qur'an say that ants talk (27:18-19)
*Many scholars of Quranic commentary held that the ant actually spoke. Some indicated that its “speech” was in its own form of audible communication. Allah gave the prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) the ability to hear and understand this. [Tafsir al-Razi, Hashiya al-Jamal, Tafsir Ibn al-Jawzi]
The Arabic word “qawl” is used in different ways in different contexts. The most apparent usage indicating a combination of letters spoken as either a single word or a sentence.
It can also refer to speech in one’s heart, a belief, an indication towards something, a genuine concern, or meanings imparted through divine inspiration. [Raghib, Mufradat al-Quran]
The Ant Speaks
Here, it is clear that the ant “spoke” audibly, because its speech was heard. This entails that speech is not only using human language, as the Quran clearly refers to other species, such as birds, having their own language [Quran 27:16]. Rather, as Ibn al-Jawzi said, “Once the sound [that the ant made] was understood [by Solomon, peace be upon him], it was referred to as speech.” [Ibn al-Jawzi, Zad al-Musir]
Science has also made recent discoveries that ants do “talk” to each other by making sounds to communicate. Something which was previously unknown. Thus, the Quran’s miraculous wisdom and veracity is continuously unfolding itself, if only we are patient and have firm seekers gudance
Ant Communication
*Ants Cruched!
In the descent of the Holy Qur'an time no one had the ability to study the body of ants or knowing any information about them, but after many studies, scientists make sure that the ants' skeletons externally very solid so-called "exoskeleton", therefore, Ants crush if they exposes to any pressure , so Allah says on the tongue of ant: ""O ants! Enter your dwellings, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not." so the word"crush" it really means the break-up from the scientific point.
New studies also suggest that the ant's body is made up mostly of a large amount of silicon that goes into the glass industry, and crashing is the most appropriate descriptions of the act evidencing the fracturing and crushing and intensity.
The Ants' Sequence of Communication is perfectly ...
The verse in the Quran goes like, [Quran 27.18] Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said (for females), "O ants, enter your homes so that you do not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they do not feel it."
“All male ants have wings. All worker ants are females. All ants that don't have wings are definitely females. This was only known recently. But 1400 years ago the Quran addressed ants who cannot fly in the female mode:
For the word "said": Kala (قال) is for males. Kalat (قالت) is for females. The Quran used Kalat (female).
If this ant had wings it would have flown off however it didn't have this option, instead it's only option was to hide underground. Since it didn't have wings then this was definitely a female ant. Here the Quran correctly addressed this ant in the female mode.”
The answer to that question is exactly the answer to the question “how did Mary get to give birth to Isa (Jesus) when she is not married and have not had any sexual relationships with any men?”
Because Allah Himself, the Creator of ants, had given him that ability.
What was so special about Solomon?
Apparently in the Qur’an he has been mentioned as having this incredible fondness to thank Allah for all His favours to him and his parents. Also, he has been mentioned as excellent slave because he was often found repenting to Allah for all his mistakes.
But maybe one of the key factor was that his prayer. He actually ask Allah:
"My Lord! Forgive me, and bestow upon me a kingdom such as shall not belong to any other after me. Verily, You are the Bestower." (Qur’an Chapter 38, verse 35).
And Allah, because He is the Responder (of Prayer), gave him a kingdom that does not belong to any other men after him…A kingdom of men, animals, even the wind and even jinns, were all subjugated before Solomon.
- The ant in the verse said these words in the feminine form (the word Galet is used for females in Arabic) and thus it is explained that it is female. Queen bees and worker bees are female. (11) Today, science also tells us that the secretion of the warning phenomenon (alarm pheromone) is the job of female ants. (12) This verse is a proof of the Quran for scientific societies. And it encourages people to research and learn by giving the example of Solomon who knew the language of animals. Although the words of the warning are given in the feminine form in the verse, when it says “come inside”, it is said udhulû, that is, the masculine form is used. Today, it is known that male ants, apart from female worker ants, have wings and come out from time to time. (13) In other words, the ants outside are not only female ants, male ants are also outside even if they do not do work. However, they do not have the duty of providing security or doing work. It has also been shown in the studies that there are worker (female) ants responsible for security in the ant community. In other words, according to scientific experience, male ants do not have the duty of watching for danger and giving warnings. In Arabic grammar, the masculine form of use is dominant over the feminine form. Therefore, the commands given to all people in the Quran are given in the masculine form. In Arabic grammar, when males and females are addressed together, they are addressed in the masculine form. In other words, when the verse translates the speech of the ant in its own language into Arabic, it indicates the speech of the warning ant, which is the only one according to Arabic grammar, with the feminine gender and translates it using the masculine gender for a group where males and females are kurtuluş berzan
- The probable scenario is the super colony mentioned in the verse and the queen ant that speaks by commanding. Firstly, there is no mutual conversation between the ants here. The sounds of the queen ants are very obvious( not for humans ears) and can be easily detected and recorded. In fact, some creatures can enter the nest by imitating the queen ant's voice. In other words, there is no scientific error in the verse, but future research is needed to be done to be fully scientific. The probable scenario is that the mating period is outside for the male ants. The signal exchange, distance and nature between the ants need to be fully m.y.günay...
Caste Terminology
**Article Functional and mechanistic diversity in ant tandem ...
**Do Ants Have Brains Like Us?
**Originally published on April 17, 2021.
Researchers have discovered that a species of ant can regrow lost parts of their brain, an ability believed to be rare in the animal kingdom, and never before seen in insects.
In most species of ants, only the queen can reproduce. However in the Indian jumping ant, when the queen dies, female workers have the ability to take on the reproductive role for the colony. But the promotion from worker to queen comes with a catch: the ant loses up to 25 per cent of its brain volume.
"We had already known that they lose this region of their brain. But what no one had ever really thought to look at was, can they get it back?" ant researcher Clint Penick told Quirks & Quarks host Bob McDonald.
When researchers removed these queen-like ants from the colony, they essentially reverted back to workers, and Penick and his fellow researchers found that the ants were able to regrow the missing parts of their brain.
"If I was a betting man, I'm not sure that I would have taken this bet," he said. "It was pretty amazing to see that their brains came back all the way."
The study was published this month in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Battling it out to become the queen
In Indian jumping ant colonies, when the queen dies, within hours the worker ants start competing in gladiatorial tournaments to find a replacement.
"What you start to see happening is workers beating each other in the face with their antennae and they do it back and forth really quickly," said Penick, an assistant professor of biology at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. "They're actually pretty fun to watch."
The Ants in the Bible
Ants are mentioned twice in the Bible.
Proverb 6:6-8
6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
7 It has no commander, no overseer or ruler,
8 yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
Proverbs 30:24-25 (King James Version)
24There be four things which are little (smallest) upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise:
25The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat (food) in the summer;
Ants are creatures of little strength
Ants are a people not strong
In the Bible the only characters that match the science are the wisdom of the Ants and their ability to word hard.
However, the Bible says that Ants have no commander, no overseer or ruler which is not scientifically true because the Ants have commander, overseer and ruler.
Also, the Bible says that the Ants are not strong which is not scientifically correct because the Ants can carry up to 50 times their weight.
How come that a weight lifter who is capable to carry up to 50 times his weight is considered NOT STRONG?For the word "said": Kala (قال) is for males. Kalat ( قَالَتْ) is for females. The Quran used Kalat قَالَتْ (female).
If this ant had wings it would have flown off however it didn't have this option; instead its only option was to hide underground. Since it didn't have wings then this was definitely a female ant. Here the Quran correctly addressed this ant in the female modeWhat kinds of Habitats do They Live in
Their habitat varies depending on the species, as many ants live underground, while some build mounds at ground level, and a few live in trees or wood structures
- Ants construct nests on trees, in the ground, inside hollow stems or logs, or under stones by using soil and plant materials. They carefully select nest sites and usually avoid places with dead ants because these sites might be infested with pests or disease.
List of Common Types of Ant Species
Entomologists have classified over 12,000 species of ants, but it is estimated that about 22,000 species may exist today. Some of these commonly found ant species are given below:
- Acrobat ant
- Argentine ant
- Asian needle ant
- Carpenter ant
- Crazy ant
- Dark rover ant
- European fire ant
- Field ant
- Odorous house ant
- Pavement ant
- Pharaoh ant
- Thief ant
- Pavement ant
- Red imported fire ant
- Leaf-cutting ant
- Sugar ant
- Harvester ant
- Black house ant
- Little black ant
- Red wood ant
- Black garden ant
- Driver ant
- Atta
- Bullet ant
- Yellow meadow ant
- Weaver ant
- Electric ant
- Meat ant
- Saharan silver ant
- Subterranean ant
6. Ants can help humans and the environment
Ants have a major influence on ecosystems worldwide and their roles are diverse. While some ants are considered pests, others act as biological-control agents. Ants benefit ecosystems by dispersing seeds, pollinating plants, and improving the quality of soil. Ants might also benefit our health, as a potential source of new medicines such as antibiotics.
photo by abdullah islamovic
The scientists are unsure how the ants 'hear' the sounds. They probably detect vibrations and may have a dedicated part of their bodies that listens out to vibrations in the air.
The study, published in the journal Science, also found that some predators trick ants by mimicking the sounds of the queens.
- ق و لQaf-Waw-Lam
Researchers' Major Discovery with Dolphins: [1] First of all, Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
"There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you. Nothing have We omitted From the Book, and they (all) Shall be gathered to their Lord In the end. (The Noble Quran, 6:38)"
Researchers in Russia have recorded two Black Sea bottlenose dolphins talking to each other in a pool. For the first time, dolphins have been recorded having a conversation "just like two people". In the findings, the dolphin listened to a sentence of pulses without interruption, before replying. Researchers say the two dolphins Yasha and Yana, could create sentences of up to five "words". However, they do not yet understand the content. Researchers say it is clear now that Dolphins speak their own language. And it is time to start studying how to communicate directly with them. Please watch the follow video:
You can also watch it on this website's Youtube Channel at:
The Quran's Miracle:
What also proves the above to be a Divine Miracle in the Glorious Quran is the fact that Allah Almighty spoke about the details of ants' communications, which also were proven to be accurate by science:
The Miracle of the Ants' Communications in the Glorious Quran is confirmed by Science! A TV Program (Video) by ABC:
Ants do indeed talk to each others as the Holy Quran Stated! Scientists recently discovered using Advanced Audio Technology.
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