27 Eylül 2022 Salı


 You don't accept that God is manifested in His creations, for example, in order for humans to live, the respiratory, transport, circulation, digestive, nervous and excretory systems must exist and work together at the same time. For the continuation of the generation need opposite gender , you ignore or deny hundreds of scientific, mathematical verses. We appeal to your logic and you do not accept it. Then what can be expected? There is a tremendous amount of detail and effort in the macro and micro realms that physics, chemistry, biology and astrophysics teach us. For example, no snow crystal is alike and each one is very impressive, variety of human faces are amazing .Remarkable diversity in everything. animals.plants.landscapes...Why so much effort and detail? why should people do , when they respect this effort and detail, deserve the picture of happiness described in heaven and the flawless creation, and be grateful for the blessings in the world, otherwise those who disrespect the effort and details and show ungratefulness to the blessings, are God's. For those who ignore the ayah (verses Quranic context the word means "evidence", "sign" or "miracle", that is, the proofs and signs, deserve hell because people hurt themselves, not God, but you can't go to hell with honor.by mu. ti .günaydın


Hell is temporary, heaven is unending - Lamp of Islam


 According to Islamic thought, the existence of hell (Jahannam) bears witness to God’s sovereigntyjustice, and mercy and also stands as a warning to individuals and nations of the definitive choice to be made between fidelity and infidelity, righteousness and iniquity, and life and death. The major Islamic schools agree that it is essential to one’s identity as a Muslim to believe in and look forward to the day—or, more pointedly, the hour—when God will bring his creation to an end, raise the dead, reunite them with their souls, judge them one by one, and commit each individual, as he deserves, to the joys of the garden (paradise) or the terrors of the fire (hell). Symbols reminiscent of Egyptian, Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian judgment scenes recur in Islamic accounts, in particular the record of deeds, the weighing of the soul, and the test-bridge, which widens for the righteous but narrows to a knife-edge for sinners, who lose their footing and plunge into the flames below. According to Islamic teaching, God exercises complete authority over the course of events. He has predetermined human destiny yet justly holds individuals accountable for their choices in life. Immune to special pleading, God, in his mercy, reserves the power to save those whom he wills and to look favourably upon those for whom the Prophet Muhammad intercedes. He created hell, with its seven ordered gates, for a deep purpose but has fixed a limit to the suffering of believers who have sinned. For unbelievers, who refuse to acknowledge their Creator, there is no hope of final redemption from the fire.


Islam - hell - Encyclopedia Britannica


In Islam, the place of punishment for unbelievers and other evildoers in the afterlife, or hell,[1] is an "integral part of Islamic theology",[1] and has "occupied an important place in the Muslim imagination".[2] It is often called by the proper name Jahannam (Arabicجهنمjahannam), but other names include "the fire" (النار‎, al-nar),[3] "blazing fire" (جحيم‎, jaheem),[4] "that which breaks to pieces" (حطمة‎ hutamah),[5] "the abyss" (هاوية‎, haawiyah),[6] "the blaze" (سعير‎, sa’eer),[7] "place of burning" (سقر‎ Saqar), which are also often used as the names of different gates to hell.[8]

The importance of Hell in Islamic doctrine is that it is an essential element of the Day of Judgment, which is one of the six articles of faith (belief in God, angels, books, prophets, the Day of Resurrection and providence) "by which the Muslim faith is traditionally defined."[1]

Punishment and suffering in Hell, in mainstream Islam, is physical, psychological and spiritual, and varies according to the sins of the condemned person.[9][10] Its excruciating pain and horror described in the Qu'ran often parallels the pleasure and delights of paradise (Jannah).[11][12] It is commonly believed by Muslims that confinement to hell is temporary for Muslims but not for others,[13][14][Note 1] and Muslim scholars disagree over whether Hell itself will last for eternity (the mainstream view),[16][17][18] or whether God's mercy will lead to it eventually being eliminated.[19]

The common belief among Muslims holds that Jahannam coexists with the temporal world, just as Jannah (the Islamic paradise), does,[20] (rather than being created after Judgment Day). Hell is described physically in different ways by different sources of Islamic literature. It is enormous in size,[21][22] and located below Paradise.[23] It has seven levels (each one more severe than the one above it),[24] (the Quran specifically refers to "seven gates");[25][26][27][28] but it is also said to be a huge pit over which the bridge of As-Sirāt crosses and the resurrected walk;[29] to have mountains, rivers, valleys and "even oceans" filled with disgusting fluids;[30] and also to be able to walk (controlled by reins),[31] and ask questions,[32] much like a sentient being.


According to Islam, are all non-Muslims going to hell?

The short answer is ‘No’. In Islam the decision of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell is left entirely to God as He alone knows people’s hearts and is aware of their deeds. What Islam claims is that it is the perfect religion for mankind and a religion for all time and all people.

This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion. (Ch5. V.3)

It therefore certainly claims to offer the best guidance – which if followed will lead to paradise – but simply being a Muslim is not enough to enter paradise. It is the righteous who are rewarded by God, who may well be Muslims, Christians, Jews etc.

The Qur’an states that people who do good deeds will be rewarded for them:

For those who do good deeds, there shall be the best reward and yet more blessings. (Ch.10: V.27)

So it leaves it open to God as to who will be judged worthy of entering paradise. Islam also tells us the qualities of the people who will enter paradise:

Surely, those, who believe and do good deeds, and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, shall have their reward from their Lord, and no fear shall come on them, nor shall they grieve. (Ch.2: V.278)

And if they had believed and acted righteously, better surely, would have been their reward from Allah, had they but known! (Ch.2: V.104)

In the above two examples, those who believe in God, do good deeds, act righteously, observe prayer and give to charity are promised to be rewarded by God – and this may include the ultimate reward of being admitted to Paradise in the Hereafter.

Surely the believers and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians – whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the last day and does good deeds – shall have their reward with their Lord and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. (Ch.2: V.63)

If a person rejects Islam after knowing Islam and fully understanding its truth he will be asked about it by God. Otherwise he will be judged according to his own religion or his understanding of right and wrong.


According to Islam, are all non-Muslims going to hell?

True Purpose of Hell

It is true that the Holy Quran mentions hell as the abode of evil-doers and even depicts its horrors, but it must be borne in mind that according to the Holy Quran both heaven and hell are places for the perpetual advancement of man to higher and higher stages. The Holy Quran says on one occasion: “Verily you shall all be surely transformed from state to state” (ch. 84: v. 19). The whole mankind is addressed in these words and accordingly, as those in paradise shall make perpetual advancement, those in hell will not be suffering fruitless torments. On the other hand, the torments of hell will be the means of purging them of the evil effects of their deeds done in this life. This is the only philosophical explanation of hell, and this explanation has been given by no other book but the Holy Quran. It is the Quran only which teaches that heaven and hell grow out of a man; that a heavenly or hellish life begins in this world and that the spiritual fruits of good or evil deeds done in this life assume a manifest form in the next. The fire of hell is no other than the fire of sins as the Holy Quran says: “The fire of the wrath of God burned on account of sins which rise above the hearts.” The origin of the fire of hell is, therefore, in the sins which a man commits in this life, that he prepares a hell in which he will find himself in the next. The Holy Quran, as I have already said, does not teach that those in hell shall suffer everlasting torments; and this is an important consideration which conclusively settles the question that hell is meant for the advancement of man and for his purification. There is no doubt that the abiding of evil-doers in hell is mentioned in some verses of the Holy Quran to be for “abad ” which sometimes means prospective eternity, but ” abad” also signifies a long time. And there are numerous passages in the Holy Quran showing that those in hell shall ultimately be taken out. Thus, in ch. 6: v. 129, the Quran says: “God said, Verily the fire is your resort to dwell therein unless thy Lord will it otherwise, verily, thy Lord is wise and knowing.” On another occasion, those in hell are spoken of as “staying therein for years” (ch. 78: v. 23). The original word is “Ahqab” which is the plural of “huqub”, meaning a year or years, or seventy or eighty years, or a long time (see Lanes Arabic Lexicon).

The statement that the evil-doers will abide in hell only for a limited number of years shows clearly that, according to the Holy Quran, the torments of hell are not everlasting, for infinite time cannot be measured by a finite number of years. Again in ch. 101: v. 6, hell is called a “mother” of those who shall go into it. The use of this word is, I think, the clearest evidence as to the true nature of hell as described in the Holy Quran. What is meant is that, as a child is brought up by the mother, so those in hell will be brought up in that place for a new life, the life of perpetual advancement in paradise.

It is true that the Holy Quran also speaks of hell as a place of torment or tortures, but these torments according to the Holy Book are remedial. Just as a patient has to devour bitter medicines and undergo operations and amputations which are most painful, but which are undoubtedly the only steps which can restore him to health; so also it is with torments of hell. They are not only the natural consequences of the poison of sins, but, at the same time, the torments are the most necessary steps to undo the effect of the poison and breath into a person a new life in which he must go on making unending progress. Thus hell is also a manifestation of the mercy of God, though of different kind, from heaven.


A Philosophical Explanation of the Doctrine of Hell - Alislam.org

(PDF) Islamic Hell 2009 | Einar Thomassen - Academia.edu

Hell | Resurrection (Ma'ad) in the Quran - Al-Islam.org

violent verses in Quran?


Studied Cosmology and Particle Physics  (Graduated 2021)2y

   What are some of the violent verses in Quran?

I googled “Violent verses in Quran” and this is what popped up:

ISIS & Radical Islam's Daily Devotional

(A) Quran 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.”

(B) Quran 3:28 “Muslims must not take infidels as friends”

(C) Quran 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable”

(D) Quran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”

(E) Quran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than Quran”

(F) Quran 8:60 “Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels”

(G) Quran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them”

(H) Quran 9:5 “Whenever opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them”

(I) Quran 9:123 “Make war on infidels living in your neighborhood”

(J) Quran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with infidels; behead them when you catch them”

So, these are the alleged violent verses in the Quran. I will discuss each one of them and check if they are really for good or evil.

(A) Quran 2:191 “Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them.”

Lets move one verse back and see what had happened for God making this command.

2:190 Fight in the way of God those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors.

There we answered the question. Its talking about those who came to kill Muslims which is why the command is given —

2:191 And kill them wherever you find them and expel them from wherever they have expelled youand fitnah [Persecution] is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram UNTIL THEY FIGHT YOU THERE. But IF THEY FIGHT YOU, THEN KILL THEM. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
And if they cease, then indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful.

[So the verse in reality is talking about “defence” ]

(B) Quran 3:28 “Muslims must not take infidels as friends”

Wrong Translation. The word which is translated as “friend” should be “protector” and it's only in the context of battlefield. If you are at war with them, how can you ask for their protection?

(C) Quran 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable”

The verse talks about “people” who realized Islam was from God. Its not talking about everyone. Lets move few verses back to check:

(3:82) Then whosoever shall turn away from this covenant they are the transgressors.

(3:83) Do they now seek a religion other than prescribed by Allah even though all that is in the heavens and the earth is in submission to Him – willing or unwillingly – and to Him all shall return?

(3:84) Say: We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and to Issac and Jacob and his descendants, and the teachings which Allah gave to Moses and Jesus and to other Prophets. We make no distinction between any of them and to Him do we submit.

(3:85) And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.

[The verse is “directed” to believers and people who realize it to be true not everyone.]

(D) Quran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”

This verse talks about people “who had waged war against Prophet and KILLED MUSLIMS”. As a punishment they were killed for “murder” or crucified.

Quran 5:33- “The PUNISHMENT of THOSE WHO WAGE WAR against Allah and His messenger and strive to MAKE MISCHIEF IN THE LAND is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”

Commentary on Verse(Maulana Muhammad Ali):

33a. The words used here imply originally all those opponents Islam who waged war on the Muslims and made mischief in the land by CAUSING LOSS to the LIFE and property of innocent Muslims who fell into their hands.

So, it's a verse calling for punishment of murderers.

(E) Quran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than Quran”

This verse actually proves Quran to be the word of God. This was revealed in Battle of Badr and God commanded to angels:

8:12 [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.”

It's God commanding to angels to attack those who were fighting Muslims and angels killed all of them “by sticking on their necks” and Muslims won the battle. Do you believe in it? If you do, thanks for agreeing Quran to be from God.

They were given the orders because “Quraysh attacked Muslims to kill them”.


“19a It is related that when the Quraish left Makkah to attack the Muslims, they held on to their curtains of the Ka’bah and prayed thus; ‘O Allah, assist the best of the two forces and the most rightly directed of the two parties and the most honoured of the two groups and the most excellent of the two religions’. Others say that Abu Jahl prayed in the field of battle, saying: ‘O Allah, whoever of us is the greater cutter of the ties of relationship and more wicked, destroy him tomorrow morning’ (Rz).”

So, it's again in defense and order of God himself to angels to kill those who came to kill Muslims.

(F) Quran 8:60 “Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels”

Again the verse talks about defense not offense. Read the preceding and succeeding verse to get a clear picture.

59.And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah’s Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape.

60. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy.

61. And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.

[It's very clear again who started the fight.]

I will just add commentary to further solidify my point:

Tafsir Ibn Kathir

“The Command to Facilitate Peace when the Enemy seeks a Peaceful Resolution
Allah says, if you fear betrayal from a clan of people, then sever the peace treaty with them, so that you both are on equal terms. If they continue being hostile and opposing you, then fight them
, (But if they incline), and seek, (to peace), if they resort to reconciliation, and seek a treaty of non-hostility, (you also incline to it), and accept offers of peace from them. This is why when the pagans inclined to peace in the year of Hudaybiyah and sought cessation of hostilities for nine years, between them and the Messenger of Allah he accepted this from them, as well as, accepting other terms of peace they brought forth. `Abdullah bin Al-Imam Ahmad recorded that `Ali bin Abi Talib said that the Messenger of Allah said, (There will be disputes after me, so if you have a way to end them in peace, then do so.) Allah said next,
(and trust in Allah. ) 
Allah says, conduct a peace treaty with those who incline to peace, and trust in Allah. Verily, Allah will suffice for you and aid you even if they resort to peace as a trick, so that they gather and reorganize their forces…”

(G) Quran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them”

The verse doesnt say it. It says:

8:65 O Prophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are among you one hundred [who are] steadfast, they will overcome a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.

It nowhere calls anyone stupid. Moreover, this command came after the enemies refused to incline to peace which is clear if you move 4 verses back:

8:61 And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.

The command in Q8:65 came only after Q8:61 wasn't accepted by enemies. They rejected peace for war.

(H) Quran 9:5 “Whenever opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them”

The context starts with Q9:1 where enemies break the peace treaty.

9:1 [This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.

[The breaking of peace treaty wasn't the only reason though. The breakers of treaty had supported some other people to kill Muslims so it was ordered to kill them who come to kill Muslims LEAVING THOSE WHO DIDNT COME TO KILL MUSLIMS]

Check the previous verse of Q9:5 for that —

9:4 Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or SUPPORTED ANYONE AGAINST YOU; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].

Quran 9:123 “Make war on infidels living in your neighborhood”

There was a reason. Check the commentary:

Because it was they who persecuted the Muslims. The object was to stop persecutions.
123b. So that you do not yield.

Another commentary(Yusuf Ali):

C1374. When conflict becomes inevitable, the first thing is to clear our surroundings of all evil, for it is only evil that we can rightly fight. To evil we must put up a stout and stiff resisitance. Mealy-mouthed compromises are not right for soldiers of truth and righteousness. They are often a compound of cowardice, weariness, greed, and corruptibility.

The people in neighborhood were the ones who had killed Muslims. So, it explains the verse.

(J) Quran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with infidels; behead them when you catch them”

Again the verse is talking about those who came to battle.

47:4 So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of God – never will He waste their deeds.

In conclusion: Quran never orders to kill people for no reason. The general rule is —

Quran 22:39 To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid;-

This general rule is followed in all the verses which are alleged to prove unnecessary violence in Quran.

With this the allegation against Quran stands refuted. :)

Thank you.

milk of ( sheep, goats, cows and camels )/ Quran 16:66

  Source and purity of milk? by amin  Source and purity of milk? 16:66 And indeed, for you is a lesson in the cattle.  We give you drink fro...