Longer Stay in Space Shrinks Human Heart by zaid shah
(Al Quran 6:125) …and whom He wills to go astray, He makes his heart narrow, much too narrow, as though he climbs up to the sky. In this way, Allah brings ignominy over those who do not believe.
Recent studies show evidence that human heart shrinks while in space and the health can sustain itself only for a year and then begins to deteriorate. The findings suggest that long-term weightlessness alters the structure of the heart, causing shrinkage and atrophy. The study published in American Heart Association's Circulation Journal, measured NASA astronaut Scott Kelly's heart before and during his 340-day time in space. It reported a loss of mass and initial drop in diameter in the left ventricles of the heart during the experience.[1] Other health changes reported were DNA damage, gene expression changes, a thickening of the retina, shifts in gut microbes, reduced cognitive abilities and a structural change at the ends of chromosomes called telomeres.[2] Its mainly due to to the long period of weightlessness experienced by astronauts including exposure to space radiation and other factors. The gravity experienced on Earth is what helps the heart to maintain both its size and function as it keeps blood pumping through our veins. The study suggests that astronauts engaged in long duration spaceflights suffer from atrial fibrillation, a form of arrhythmia, fast, irregular heartbeat about a decade earlier than the rest of the population and they could be at risk of developing this during such spaceflights. Atrial fibrillation can cause discomfort, reduce exercise tolerance and increase the risk of stroke in people who are otherwise healthy. While this may be an interesting piece of evidence for researchers it should also amaze Muslims to whom the Quran mentions the same:
(Al Quran 6:125) So, whom Allah wills to give guidance, He opens his heart for Islam (yashrah sadrahu lil-lslam), and whom He wills to go astray, He makes his heart narrow, much too narrow (yaj'al sadrahu dhaeeqan harajan), as though he climbs up to the sky. In this way, Allah brings ignominy over those who do not believe.
The term sadr (صَدْر) used in the verse means "breast, or chest", also includes reference to our hearts. The term shrah sadr means removing of hindrance and distraction from the heart towards accepting something. In the verse it refers to Islam's universal teachings and principles, morals and ethics and all that is instructed to us becomes acceptable to our hearts without any doubts whatsoever. By comparing contentment and satisfaction of the heart to the physical shrinkage of the organ experienced by those who remain suspended in the air without gravity, like space travel, the Quran explains how Islam carries importance to one's life. Just as a healthy heart is the key to our health and wellbeing, the hearts acceptance of Islam is the key to its guidance and peace necessary for a righteous life and strength to face challenges with trust in Allah ﷻ. It is this certainty of Islamic faith and our complete submission to it that gives contentment to the heart and gives peace to our life. At the same time this is also Quran's wakeup call to atheists, agnostics & scientologists (followers of scientology religion) whose ranks fill the modern secular academia, including astronauts & astrophysicists: "In this way, Allah brings ignominy over those who do not believe." It is they who study the creation, day and night yet refuse to believe in the One Who Created it, the entire creation, which is a self evident phenomena of His Will and Existence. The ignominy they face is their inability to stop the impact of natural forces on their heart and healt
source :
Space Flight & Human Heart in the Light of Al Quran 6:125
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV), also known as the Euler-Liljestrand mechanism, is a physiological phenomenon in which small pulmonary arteries constrict in the presence of alveolar hypoxia (low oxygen levels).
Wikipedia, Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction, 2019
The blood vessels in the lungs constrict when oxygen level drops.*
Hypoxia In Quran.
**914|6|125|فَمَن يُرِدِ ٱللَّهُ أَن يَهْدِيَهُۥ يَشْرَحْ صَدْرَهُۥ لِلْإِسْلَٰمِ وَمَن يُرِدْ أَن يُضِلَّهُۥ يَجْعَلْ صَدْرَهُۥ ضَيِّقًا حَرَجًا كَأَنَّمَا يَصَّعَّدُ فِى ٱلسَّمَآءِ كَذَٰلِكَ يَجْعَلُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلرِّجْسَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
Fe men yuridillâhu en yehdiyehu yeşrah sadrehu lil islâmi, ve men yurid en yudıllehu yec’al sadrehu dayyikan haracen, ke ennemâ yassa’adu fîs semâi, kezâlike yec’alûllâhur ricse alâllezîne lâ yu’minûn.
The root of the word deyyikan (ضَيِّقًا) means (ضيق) tightness, narrowness, limitation, paucity, anxiety. Hans Wehr 4th ed., page 641 (of 1303)
(حَرَجًا) The root of the word haracen (حرج) means tight, narrow, to be straitened, to be oppressed. Hans Wehr 4th ed., page 195 (of 1303)
(يَصَّعَّدُ) The root of the word yessaaadu (صعد) means to rise, to go up, to take off (lift), to climb (climb). Hans Wehr 4th ed., page 600 (of 1303)
What changes occur in the chest of a person who ascends to the sky? Modern science provides the answer to this.
The first change in a person ascending to the sky is seen in the lungs inside the chest. As you ascend towards the sky, the pressure and density of the inhaled air decreases. The air becomes thinner. Therefore, the amount of oxygen gas inhaled also decreases.
When a person rises towards the sky, fluid accumulates in his lungs. This is called high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). It is a very dangerous situation that can happen to people living at normal altitudes (especially mountain climbers) when they go up to heights in a short time.
The flexibility of the lung is called 'pulmonary compliance'. A normal lung has a certain flexibility and a person can breathe easily. With fluid accumulation in the lungs (HAPE), the lungs lose their elasticity. This situation can be likened to a balloon becoming thick and difficult to inflate. Unable to stretch, lungs become tighter, more restricted, more limited, and more inadequate. Just like the word deyyikan in the verse (ضَيِّقًا). Almighty Allah has chosen this word in such a magnificent way that the word deyyikan also means anxiety. Indeed, high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE), which develops in a person ascending to the sky, causes serious anxiety and concern because it causes difficulty in breathing.
One of many studies showing that lung flexibility decreases due to high altitude pulmonary edema >>>
Lung Function and Breathing Pattern in Subjects ...
Acute mountain sickness
Acute mountain sickness is an illness that can affect mountain climbers, hikers, skiers, or travelers at high altitudes, usually above 8000 feet (2400 meters).
Your symptoms will also depend on the speed of your climb and how hard you push (exert) yourself. Symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. They can affect the nervous system, lungs, muscles, and heart.
In most cases, symptoms are mild. Symptoms of mild to moderate acute mountain sickness may include:
- Difficulty sleeping
- Dizziness or light-headedness
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea or vomiting
- Rapid pulse (heart rate)
- Shortness of breath with exertion
Symptoms that may occur with more severe acute mountain sickness include the following and may progress to high altitude pulmonary edema or high altitude cerebral edema:
- Blue color to the skin (cyanosis)
- Chest tightness or congestion
- Confusion
- Cough
- Coughing up blood
- Decreased consciousness or withdrawal from social interaction
- Gray or pale complexion
- Inability to walk in a straight line, or walk at all
- Shortness of breath at rest
- Speed of ascent: Getting to a higher altitude quickly increases your risk of developing altitude sickness. People who fly to high altitudes rather than walk, hike or drive are much more likely to develop it. Above 8,000 feet, you should ascend no more than 1,640 feet (500 meters) per day.
This is because the higher one goes up into the sky, the lesser atmospheric pressure and the lesser oxygen is there.
If man goes up to a height of 10,000 feet above sea level, he feels decrease of both oxygen and atmospheric pressure. If he goes higher up to 16,000 feet high, his pulse increases and so do his breathing and blood pressure, in order to provide his body with the necessary oxygen.
If, however, he goes up higher to 25,000 feet high, his body fails to cope with such an unfamiliar height. So what happens? Certain symptoms begin to show.
If, however, man goes up more than 25,000 feet high, he loses consciousness. That is why planes that fly higher than 40,000 feet high are provided with eight times as much air as they are on the Earth’s surface, so as to make the pressure in them equal that on the Earth’s surface; otherwise passengers would lose consciousness.
With classical Arabic it is necessary to look at the root of the word to get a clear picture. We can still use the English language to explain. The Arabic will give you a clearer picture and verse could be understood better, similar to how people in 7th century Arabia understood the verse. Maybe it is best to simply say maybe I misunderstood this 7th century text using a different, limited language. It may not have anything to do with scientific facts. It is giving a similitude of believing in God and being guided verses not being guided and being lead astray.
- Whoever Allah (God) wants to guide
- He expands his CHEST to Islam
- The word here is yaShrH - to expand, to enlarge,
- Quran uses this word to explain guidance as in expanding and giving guidance to Moses when he supplicated in Surah Taha.
- The Quran states: “So is one whose chest Allah (God) has expanded to Islam and he is upon a light from his Lord [like one whose heart rejects it]? Then woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Those are in manifest error (Az-Zumar:22)
- The word here is sadru - root is Sad-Daal-Raa
- The Qur’an has called itself shifaa-ul lima fis sudoor: that is, a “cure for what is in your chest (i.e. your heart)”(Quran 10:57). According to your translation it would read cure for breasts?? It could be confusing the the English reader.
- The Quran states “So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within sudur (chest area).”
- Whoever He wants to send astray, He makes his CHEST TIGHT/CLOSES and CONSTRICTED.
- The word here is again sadru - look at the Arabic lexicon if you don’t realize the above.
- The next word used is dayyqan - to become narrow. Become choked or straitened.
- The next word used is harajan - to constrict, to cause someone to fall into a straight or difficulty.
- As though he were climbing into the sky.
- This is the similitude given to PAINT A PICTURE.

**Air pressure decreases as you increase in altitude. Your chest will feel constricted and tight. At high altitudes, the lower air pressure makes it more difficult for oxygen to enter our vascular systems.
5. Thus does Allah (God) place defilement upon those who do not believe
Does not necessarily mean a scientific miracle. It is a fact to paint a picture.
So in fact the verse paints a perfect picture by using the polar opposite
To summarize:
This is perfect explanation for those who are guided by affirming and negating.
- Affirmation- They will be guided and the will have inner peace by expansion of their chest. It will be a relief for them.
- For those that don’t will feel things are constrained, difficult, and have a narrow existence.
- Similar to a the one climbing the sky.
I have to ask. Climbing the sky takes time. As we age and become older, and we don’t believe in a God, wouldn’t our lives feel constrained and difficult? You just grow old, do some good, have a family, and die. As we grow older we would always ask. Is that all there is to life?
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